Friday, March 21, 2014

Week of March 16, 2014

This week went by quickly. Sunday, and Monday flew by, while we had a field trip on Wednesday, and no power on Thursday. It was nice to see some of you on Tuesday at the Parent - Teacher Conference to discuss the progress of your child.

During literacy this week, the focus surrounded the letter Jj. We learned vocabulary words such as, jump, jigsaw, jellybeans, juggle, jiggle, jeans, jellyfish, jam, jelly, juice, jacket, and jet.  The students were able to make their own orange juice, and jam sandwiches. We loved making our own juice. 

In Numeracy we talked about numbers up to 20, putting numbers in order on a number line to 20, counting backwards, and counting forwards from a number not starting with 1. The students are doing a great job counting forwards, and ordering numbers up to 20. One area that a majority of the class has been struggling with is counting backwards from 20 to 1. Please practice counting backwards and forwards with your child in English and Arabic.

In Science we focused on energy in the home and in school. We talked about the types of energy you find at home, and school. We discussed similarities, and differences of energy found at home, such as a stove/oven to cook food. 

Next week we will review concepts taught throughout Term 2. We will review all the letters we have learned so far and letter sounds. Patterns, measurement, and counting will be reviewed for math. Living things and what they need to survive will be reviewed during science.

Thank you for all your hard work you have done helping your child succeed during  Term 2!!

Here is a glance at our week.

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