I know there were many concerns about Term 1, and the grading for your child. In the system I inputted: N - Not Achieving, E - Emerging, D - Developing, M - Mastery
The system then took all the outcomes that were taught or introduced during Term 1 and calculated a letter grade. I know your child is capable of learning, but some of these concepts below take time to develop for students learning a second language. I wanted to keep you informed of what was expected during Term 1 and I will post the learning outcomes for Term 2 in another post.
Literacy Readiness Skills
K2LCP3 - use directionality left to right, top to bottom
K2LCP5 - use one's name to learn about words and make connections to words
K2LPA3 - generate rhyming words
K2LPA1 - hear and say sounds in words; review letter sounds which students did in KG1
K2LLK2 - recognize and produce the names and sounds of all uppercase and lowercase letters
K2LLK4 - understand alphabetic order
K2LP1 - recognize and use beginning consonant sounds and the letters that
represent them to read and write words
K2LP3 - write words by writing one letter for each sound heard
K2LSP3 - recognize and use the consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) pattern
K2LSP4 - use approximated and invented spelling
Speaking and Listening
K2SLT4 - engage actively in classroom routines
K2SLC6 - recite chants, poems, and performs plays
K2RRT2 - engage in shared and guided reading
K2RRT4 - read recurring language patterns in text
K2RRM2 - gain meaning from pictures and illustrations
K2RRM5 - make connections between texts and real life experiences
K2WTT2 - recount a simple personal experience
K2WWP1 - generate and expand ideas through shared and guided prewriting
K2WC1 - write letters or approximated letters in clusters to form words
K2WC5 - write letters and words that can easily be read
K2NS1 - recognize "more", "less", and "the same" and how numbers of unequal value are related
K2NS2 - identify numerals in the range 0 - 20 (in both Arabic and English) using numeral-picture correspondence
K2NS3 - count in sequence in both Arabic and English by: 1 - 10, and 10 - 20 both forwards and backwards
K2NS4 - recognize the cardinality of a set and be able to describe and compare sets
K2NS6 - write numerals in Arabic and English up to 10
Patterns and Alegbra
K2PA1 - identify and describe patterns in the world around them
K2PA3 - create an original repeating pattern
Measurement and Data
K2MDM1 - identify attributes of objects (size, length, height, weight, mass, capacity)
K2MDT1 - describe and sequence daily events
Earth and Space
KES1 - identify particular characteristics of day and night
KES2 - identify particular characteristics of the seasons in the local area
KES3 - recognize characteristics of weather
KES4 - recognize natural resources
Living World
KLW1 - identify and group living and non-living things
KLW2 - identify some differences between living and non-living things
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about your child and their learning at school. I hope by me posting these outcomes will give you the parent a better understanding of what was expected during Term 1.