Thursday, January 30, 2014

Term 1 Grades

I know there were many concerns about Term 1, and the grading for your child. In the system I inputted: N - Not Achieving, E - Emerging, D - Developing, M - Mastery
The system then took all the outcomes that were taught or introduced during Term 1 and calculated a letter grade. I know your child is capable of learning, but some of these concepts below take time to develop for students learning a second language. I wanted to keep you informed of what was expected during Term 1 and I will post the learning outcomes for Term 2 in another post.

       Literacy Readiness Skills
K2LCP3 - use directionality left to right, top to bottom
K2LCP5 - use one's name to learn about words and make connections to words
K2LPA3 - generate rhyming words
K2LPA1 - hear and say sounds in words; review letter sounds which students              did in KG1
K2LLK2 - recognize and produce the names and sounds of all uppercase                    and lowercase letters
K2LLK4 - understand alphabetic order
K2LP1 - recognize and use beginning consonant sounds and the letters that
          represent them to read and write words
K2LP3 - write words by writing one letter for each sound heard
K2LSP3 - recognize and use the consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) pattern
K2LSP4 - use approximated and invented spelling
     Speaking and Listening
K2SLT4 - engage actively in classroom routines
K2SLC6 - recite chants, poems, and performs plays
K2RRT2 - engage in shared and guided reading
K2RRT4 - read recurring language patterns in text
K2RRM2 - gain meaning from pictures and illustrations
K2RRM5 - make connections between texts and real life experiences
K2WTT2 - recount a simple personal experience
K2WWP1 - generate and expand ideas through shared and guided prewriting
K2WC1 - write letters or approximated letters in clusters to form words
K2WC5 - write letters and words that can easily be read

K2NS1 - recognize "more", "less", and "the same" and how numbers of unequal value are related
K2NS2 - identify numerals in the range 0 - 20 (in both Arabic and English) using numeral-picture correspondence
K2NS3 - count in sequence in both Arabic and English by: 1 - 10, and 10 - 20 both forwards and backwards
K2NS4 - recognize the cardinality of a set and be able to describe and compare sets
K2NS6 - write numerals in Arabic and English up to 10
    Patterns and Alegbra
K2PA1 - identify and describe patterns in the world around them
K2PA3 - create an original repeating pattern
     Measurement and Data 
K2MDM1 - identify attributes of objects (size, length, height, weight, mass, capacity)
K2MDT1 - describe and sequence daily events  

    Earth and Space
KES1 - identify particular characteristics of day and night
KES2 - identify particular characteristics of the seasons in the local area
KES3 - recognize characteristics of weather
KES4 - recognize natural resources 
   Living World
KLW1 - identify and group living and non-living things
KLW2 - identify some differences between living and non-living things 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about your child and their learning at school. I hope by me posting these outcomes will give you the parent a better understanding of what was expected during Term 1. 

Open Day, Wednesday January 29th 2014

On Wednesday the whole school participated in a day of fun. I tried to capture some of the events that happened during the day. 


Week of January 26, 2014

In Literacy we worked on the letter Rr, created Rainbow Rs using paint and our fingers. We also drew pictures and attempted to write words with letter Rr. The focus vocabulary for the week; rabbit, rooster, robot, rock, rocket, ring, run, race,rainbow, rug
Sight Words: the, is, see

In Mathematics the concept of addition was introduced. We made number stories using students in the class and marsh mellows. We used the words altogether, plus, equals, how many, how much, group, sum. I sent home addition math facts, please work on these with your child to help them in being successful in class.

 In Science we reviewed the 5 senses and talked about the body parts that correspondence with each sense. Students worked on seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. 

In Reading and Writing we read the story called In the Forest. The students were asked to recall the types of things seen in the forest and compare the forest to the desert. We looked at animals, and types of plants for comparison.

As always thank you so much for helping your child with the homework sent home. Please continue practicing writing their name in English and Arabic, counting to 100, writing numbers 0 to 20, and working on addition facts.

Next week we are focusing on:
Literacy: letter Ll
Mathematics: addition (sum, together, altogether, equals, group)
Science: Energy (different forms of energy)

Here is a look at what we did in class: