Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Week of October 26, 2014

This week the students worked on the letter P. The focus vocabulary was pineapple, palace, pink, purple, push, pull, pumpkin, pickle, porcupine. The students counted objects, and identified numbers. Students learned more about seasons and weather. At the end of the week the students had a letter P party. They really enjoyed eating food items that began with the letter P.

Here are some of the activities below.

Using the outdoor area by watering the plants, and playing games.

 Making peacocks for the letter P.

Making the letter P using legos.

 Counting out objects

Play-dough letter P and pumpkins.

The students love playing in the role play area. They have a variety of things to use ranging from food to salon materials.

The students love playing outside. They especially love to dig. Sorry for the sandy clothes, but no matter how hard they try to stay clean the sand will always follow.

 Playing with puppets for the letter P.

Students putting the correct number of items near the number. Most of the students did this activity by themselves, but some students needed help.



Students playing in the gross motor room. They are trying out the new jump ropes, and hitting a ball with a bat.

 Making paper bag puppets. The students were very creative, and everyone had a different puppet.

 Students drawing pictures, and writing letters.

Having a letter P party! The students tasted pickles, pretzels, popcorn, pineapples, and potato chips. 

Painting the letter P!


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