Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Week of November 2, 2014

This week the students worked on the letter Nn. The students made letter Nn with their bodies, made necklaces, and dressed up as nurses. In math the students are still working on numbers, and matching objects.

Here are some of the activities below.

Spinning to see what number the students need to find. Once they find the number they get to eat a piece of cereal.

Making a nest for letter Nn.


Getting creative on the white board.

Counting out the number of links and placing them on the matching number.

 Practicing writing the letter Nn

 Having fun in the role play area.
Fishing outside, and enjoying the cooler weather.

 Name writing on the carpet.

 Writing letter Nn, and drawing pictures.

 Beginning to make a letter Nn necklace.

 Writing the letter Nn on the computer.

 Counting out small objects and placing the group on a number.

 Playing in the heritage area.

Making letter Nn using their bodies.

 Sorting pictures by sound. Sorting by /n/ and not /n/.

Painting the letter Nn.

 Having fun outside on the new playground.

Dressing up as nurses for the letter Nn.


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