Saturday, September 27, 2014

Week 4 (September 21, 2014)

This week we worked on the letter Ss making a number of different projects such as paper bag puppet snakes, sock puppets, and painted snakes. The students loved making a sock puppet.  The students continued to work on matching objects to a number card.

Here are some of the activities the students worked on: 

Making a paper bag snake puppet.
 Matching a camel to the correct number.
 Working on name writing

 Working on fine motor by stringing beads
Building with tubes.
 Working on name writing.
 Playing on the sand playground

 Making sock puppets

 Finding the letter Ss in sand.

 Finding the letter Ss in magazines.

 Finding letter Ss cards in sand.

 Matching small magnetic numbers to the bigger numbers.

 Pretending to be at a hair salon. We are using fake scissors.

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