This week we focused on learning the letter F, night and day, and patterns. The students knew a lot of vocabulary for the letter F; fire, family, fish, face, flag, fruit, fingers, five, four, and foot. One student brought in a wonderful UAE flag for the letter F, while another student brought in letter F vocabulary cards for the class to use. We discussed events that happen during the daytime and nighttime for science. The students were asked to draw a picture of what happens in the day, and what happens at night. We looked at pictures and discussed when they thought certain events would occur. During math time we discussed patterns, and how to make and extend patterns. First we did sound patterns (woof and rib-bit), then movement patterns (clap and jump), which led into color patterns. The students did a nice job during whole group participating in making patterns. Overall during the week the class had high attendance, as well as wonderful student participation during our lessons.
Following directions by coloring in capital and lower case
to reveal the hidden picture.
Drawing pictures and attempting to write letter F words.
Letter Ff hunt.
Creating a picture using the letter F.
More letter Ff writing.
Creating people with a lot of detail.
We have a bunch of wonderful artists in class. Here is one of them.
Making a fingerprint pattern using two colors.
Making a pattern using colored frogs.
Lego tower patterns.
More pattern makers.
***Reward time for the students working hard in class. We work extremely hard and have to remember to have fun. Here are a few pictures of the kids enjoying the playground outside. Please forgive the sand that is brought home, but the students love it when they get to play outside!
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