Saturday, October 25, 2014

Week of October 12, 2014

 This week the students focused on the letter Tt. The students participated in a variety of activities to help them learn how to create letter Tt, and learn vocabulary words with Tt.

Students were asked to make the letter T using their bodies. Two students were asked how they could make the letter T, and here were the results.

Finding turtles in the sand.

 Counting out the correct number of cotton balls that match the number on the pie.

Creating turtles for letter Tt. First the students painted a paper plate green, and then after the paint dried they glued a head and feet to the plate.

Dressing the weather bear.


Working on drawing, and puzzle skills in the math area.

Playing outside to work on sharing, and playing cooperatively.

 Counting out objects to match the number cards. 

 Working on sorting pictures based on letter sounds, and making a tractor for letter Tt.

 More drawing in the math area.

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