Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week of September 22nd

This past week your child was able to take part in Islamic lessons and Arabic lessons. We received a substitute for the class until Ms. Alia comes back. I was so happy when Ms. Klaithum arrived this week, because your child was able to receive instruction in Arabic, as well as English. During our English instruction time we worked on the letter Mm, and in math we are attempting count forwards and backwards to 20. 
***This week we are going to focus on the letter Ss, the word the, and matching numbers to groups. 

 Taking part in Islamic studies.

Matching shapes to create pictures.
Attempting to make pictorial representations.
 Matching numbers in the magnetic area.

Practicing number writing.
Drawing shapes to make pictures.
Writing the Arabic letter of the week.
More Arabic writing practice.
 Discovering their fingerprints and that no one else has the same prints.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Second Week of School

Dear Parents,

It is the second week of school, and your child is transitioning into KG2 nicely. We are working on following directions, sharing, and starting to work in learning stations. Your child is eager to learn, and tries to do their best. We worked on the letter Mm this week, and named a lot of words that start with Mm. I have a very bright class, and cannot wait to see how your child will grow academically each week. Thank you for your support.   

Ms. Kristen

Here are some things we did in class this week. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Welcome to the 2013 - 2014 School Year.

Thanks for checking out this blog for KG2D! I am lucky to have your child in my class, and want to share some pictures, school updates, website links, and much more with you. Please check here occasionally for updates about events happening at school or in the classroom. I will try to post once a week so you can see what is happening in class. I hope you enjoy reading this blog!

Here are some things we did this week in class. 

 Using shaving cream to write letters, shapes, and numbers.

 Pretend play with puppets.

 Using technology to create art.

 Building vehicles out of connecting blocks.

 Playing with puzzles.

 Making self portraits.

Discovering length using counters.

 Matching numbers in the math area.